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Time for your feedback

We've now added the ability for readers to leave comments at the end of each Blogging EM post – anything from a quick 👍 reaction to a short question about the content to a free-form discussion on any interesting topics raised by the blog post.  Let's hear from you !!!

In the short six weeks since launching Blogging EM, the IT department has informed us that the number of (unique) users viewing these short posts now numbers in the low hundreds; and based on average engagement time, some of you have actually read this material !!!

Leaving a comment

Each post ends with a special comments section asking you to    Sign in with GitHub; needless to say, you'll need to visit  if you don't already have a GitHub account.

To make matters as easy as possible, we'll add a "kickstarter comment" on each post;  you can simply react with a ❤ if so motivated.  😉

FULL DISCLOSURE – Still learning the ropes !!!

Before launching The EM Foundation towards the end of 2023, I spent about four months preparing the initial technical material found in the Platform Documentation – only to learn that "busy users" really want something they can read in just a few minutes.

I never would have imagined creating Blogging EM just two short months ago.  But as that timeless saying goes:  plans are meaningless, planning is everything ....  I'm still learning the ropes about how best to "get the word out" on EM, as well as how to create a sense of community around this novel language and its runtime.

But thanks to some recent nudging and prodding by Mohammad Afaneh , you can now offer up additional  suggestions for how to improve Blogging EM by using its new comments capability.

How can you get involved

make sure you have a personal account at GitHub , and then sign-in below

leave us with your reaction, your question(s), or your thoughts for discussion

navigate to prior posts using the link atop each page, and then add your comments

Happy coding !!!   🌝   💻